
Why Accreditation Matters?

Business schools are looking for ways to increase recognition and credibility by improving their quality of education and other student-driven facilities. They also want to see their graduates working for reputed organizations. All this is possible only when their institutes are accredited by renowned accreditation organizations like .

Accredited Members are Entitled to

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    's Accreditation
    Certificate & Seal

    Upon receiving accreditation, the business school will get an Accreditation Certificate & Seal that can be used to promote on several mediums including your website, official documents and marketing collaterals.

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    A Dedicated Mini Website

    You will be given a dedicated web-page on website. You can use this web-page as a tool to represent your students to multinationals around the world. This will also act as a tool to market yourself in the business arena.

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    Promotion of Your

    will help promote your accreditation status on various mediums to enhance your business school's recognition globally.

Benefits of Accreditation

  • For Institutes
  • For Students
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      The pursuit of accreditation reinforces a commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, and scholarship.

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      The process of preparing an accreditation self-study enhances the focus on quality of student learning and renews a commitment to the educational mission.

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      An accredited status creates greater visibility for the institution.

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      Accreditation provides prestige and credibility when seeking funding resources from donors, foundations, and governments.

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      In some states, having an accredited status contributes heavily to performance-based funding.

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      Accreditation leads to more successful articulation of business credits.

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      Accreditation creates the impetus for relevancy and currency of faculty, programs, and courses to best serve students.

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      The pursuit of accreditation enhances the ability to serve students by assuring a focus on quality performance.

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      Accredited status requires an ongoing effort to provide excellent equipment, software, and learning resources for students.

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      Accredited status reaffirms the commitment to effective student services.

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      Students refer to accreditation status on resumes and in employment interviews.

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      Accredited status provides the ability to recognizing accomplishments of business students.


's Strong Evaluation Process

accredits institutes, colleges and universities providing business education to students. In this regard, has taken concrete measures to enhance its evaluation process.

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What Our Accredited Members Say About Us

" Accreditation has helped our student retention to get much better than before. More enrollments experienced this year"
Our institution has excelled since we got accreditation from . It is by far the best decision we took for the betterment of our business education."