
strives to create a world where people belonging to the business community could thrive and achieve their full potential. Over 5,000 business schools around the globe have benefited from AACBE webinars which provide the participants with insightful, thorough information on a range of important topics relating to business education and accreditation.

Through AACBE webinars, you can learn how to cope with intractable global challenges that the education industry currently faces. AACBE webinars are web-based and highly interactive, allowing participants and speakers to engage in real-time discussions. Highly informative and thought-provoking, these online webinars cover a wide range of topics pertaining to business education and accreditation. Solutions to overcome the tough challenges faced by the business fraternity are also presented in these engaging sessions. Driven by the passion, innovation and commitment to serve the business community, we aim to provide rich and relevant information drawn from the best sources around the world.

AACBE Webinar Series